as I reflect on 911 I think about how we all came together as a nation that we wanted nothing more than to get those that caused all the deaths, we were united as I had never seen us before-it is shameful what has happened since then, Obama has placed ruthless rotten judges that no longer care about America or the rule of law-obama was truly the great destroyer, I have never seen anyone spread as much hate as he did, as he stole money from the tax payers to give to our enemy, he created businesses that he knew would fail, he left AMERICAN PATRIOTS IN BENGHAZI TO BE MURDERED, THEN MADE A LIE TO COVER IT, SENT AN INNOCENT MAN TO JAIL FOR A YEAR-HE DID FAST AND FURIOUS WHICH GAVE GUNS TO OUR ENEMIES, CHANGED THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR THE MILITARY SO THEY HAD NO CHANCE OF WINNING,
HE PUNISHED SOLDIERS FOR NOTHING, HE LIED, HE MURDERED, HE CHEATED AND ROBBED TO TRY AND CHANGE America I feel we have one shot in keeping our country free- why did obama want religion banished, why does he encourage baby killing, he also encourages the blacks to hate the whites, he does not want the blacks to succeed, he wants to bring in poor, uneducated illegals to replace the middle class why?????????? if this does not give you pause to think about our country WHAT WILL????????????