After receiving a lifetime ban from Facistbook last year and had trouble with Twitter before Musk took over, I kind of felt my voice wasn't liked much by our ilovely Biden Regime that I might be one of many Americans probably on one of their "watch lists". Well, seems I was right. For years my "No Thought Police" site on WordPress published both spiritual and political commentary but as of today, no more. My site without warning and without explanation has been suspended! It seemed to happen right after I changed my site's opening statement from "Question Everything" to "Bring God Back to America" because it's the Christmas season, this is why I did this. And then I added a menorah that said "You Do Not Stand Alone" showing as a Christian I support the right of Jews to exist. Once I did those two things, my site was suspended! I can't even go in and retrieve any of the "intellectual property" that belongs to me to save it, everything stolen through this violation of my 1st Amendment right of free speech and freedom of religion! I looked over their Terms of Service and saw nothing that I had done that should have qualified as breaking their terms of service agreement. Sorry, but I just had to rant. I had a pretty good group of followers and I have no way to even let them know if and when I rebuild my No Thought Police website. Thanks for listening.