Ungodly thinkers assume it makes sense to base thinking on assumptions.
1. The whole world honors an insane way of thinking without absolute truth, and that’s why the world is so crazy.
2. Rational thought requires a starting point of truth. It must be based on truth. Truth is absolute by definition.
3. Without divine revelation, it’s impossible to have a true premise. Without a true premise, it’s impossible to be rational.
4. Without truth, no rational thought can exist.
5. No truth exists outside Christ.
6. The simplicity in Christ is this: Christ is real and Christ reveals truth to any open mind. He’s alive and knowable.
7. You can pray, “Lord, be the foundation of my every thought. Let me listen to Your voice every moment.”
8. Jesus Christ speaks through the Bible and every means of divine revelation mentioned in the Bible.
9. The Bible is saturated with the Spirit of Christ, so you can’t avoid hearing His voice if you read the Bible.
10. Even though the Spirit of Christ saturates the Bible so no one can avoid hearing His voice when reading the Bible, ungodly thinkers avoid acknowledging Christ when He speaks to them.
12. God doesn’t change the Bible. God speaks through the Bible to change you.
13. Wherever truth is denied, Christ is denied. Wherever Christ is denied, truth is denied.
14. Christ is truth and wisdom. No other source exists, but many fakes exist.
16. Christ is the Light of the world who lights every person, but many turn from the Light.
17. When people turn from Christ, they turn toward darkness and lose the ability to tell the difference between good and evil and truth and lie.
18. In John 3:19-21, Jesus stated the reason ungodly thinkers persist in their ungodly thinking.
19. Three possible sources exist for claims: human error, demonic entities, and God. Only God can reveal the truth.
21. Without divine revelation, the only option is fallacy.
22. Divine revelation is the only way to avoid fallacies.
23. Whatever you build on the starting point of Truth (Jesus is the Truth), you must build without adding to or diminishing that Truth. (1 Co. 3:11-15)
24. Only one true Source for knowing exists. His name is Jesus Christ.
25. Without Christ, every assertion is a bare assertion.
26. Assumptions are unsupported claims (made-up stuff) people make up and treat as if real.
27. Most thinking is based on made-up stuff. For simplicity, call it lying.
28. Assumptions come out of worldviews, and worldviews give the illusion of reality while filtering out real reality.
29. Claims contrary to fact are bare claims that are also untrue.
30. If you follow Christ, you never have to use fallacy unless you choose not to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Those who follow Christ never have to be irrational since God reveals knowledge.
31. Two basic fallacies exist: calling made-up stuff real and covering up the fact that we’re calling made-up stuff real.
32. Don’t fall into the axiomatic thinking fallacy trap. Axiomatic thinking is calling made-up stuff “true.”
33. The only alternative to the axiomatic thinking fallacy is divine revelation.
34. Assumptions consist of made-up stuff, and using them as the basis for reasoning is insane. And yet, academia runs on assumptions.
35. Presuppositions consist of made-up stuff and using them as the basis for reasoning is insane, and yet, academia runs on presuppositions.
36. Axioms consist of made-up stuff and using them as the basis for reasoning is insane, and yet, academia runs on axioms.
37. Since ungodly thinkers can never prove any premise, they get used to fallacy.
38. Ungodly thinkers mix assumptions with observations. Observation is different from an assumption.
39. Ungodly thinkers assume it makes sense to base reasoning on made-up stuff, to base thinking on assumptions or presuppositions. Made-up stuff is all they have.
40. Ungodly thinkers base their thoughts on made-up stuff because of the limitations of the human mind.