If you assume what you’re trying to prove, you prove nothing.

1. The whole world honors an insane way of thinking without absolute truth, and that’s why the world is so crazy.

51. If you assume what you’re trying to prove, you prove nothing.
52. How could an ungodly thinker prove a premise? They would need a second premise to prove the first, but they can’t prove the second premise either. How can an ungodly thinker prove a premise? They can’t.
53. Ungodly thinkers are always forced to use fallacies since they can’t prove any premise true.
54. Rational thought requires true premises. That’s a problem for ungodly thinkers. It’s not a problem for those who know Christ. He is the truth and the only Source of knowledge and truth.
55. Rational thought must be based on truth, but ungodly thinkers have no path to truth. Ungodly thinkers can only escape this problem by turning to Christ. Pray for them.
56. Ungodly thinkers love to argue. Since they think their bare claims are valid, they have no limits.
57. Since ungodly thinkers can’t think rationally, they argue irrationally.
58. Interpretation of observation requires adding something (truth or not truth) to the observation. Truth only comes by divine revelation from Christ.
59. Interpretation of Scripture requires adding something (truth or not truth) to the Scripture. Truth only comes by divine revelation from Christ.
60. Emotion never proves anything, but ungodly thinkers are convinced based on emotion.
61. The emotional appeal fallacy is effective in fooling weak minds.
62. The appeal to emotion fallacy uses emotion to add fantasy to observation and calls the combination of fantasy and observation “evidence.”
63. The appeal to emotion fallacy uses emotion to add fantasy to Scripture and calls the combination of fantasy and observation “Scripture.”
64. Dogmatic thinking bases thought on dogma rather than living in the revelation flowing from Jesus Christ, Who is the only Source of ALL knowledge and wisdom.
65. Ambiguity can deceive the unaware.
66. God reveals truth through science. Some scientists thank Him. Others turn away from Light and Righteousness.
67. Ungodly scientists use assumptions as if they were part of reality. That’s how they sell their ungodly religion.
68. In the make-believe world of the ungodly thinker, “evidence” consists of filtered observations interpreted by assumptions that can’t be proved true.
69. Ungodly thinkers are stuck with bare claims and many smokescreen fallacies.
70. To say a statement is true when it’s unknown is irrational. Yet, that’s how ungodly thinkers use assumptions in science, philosophy, and theology.
71. No one can prove axioms like Rationalism, Naturalism, Materialism, or Uniformitarianism. They’re made-up stories, and they’re false.
72. Naturalism ASSUMES no God. God REVEALS no naturalism.
73. Speculative science and speculative theology: both are dangerous.
74. Ungodly thinkers can’t give an example of one kind of living thing ( like a cat of dog) turning into another kind of living thing. To say "countless examples exist" is not an example.
75. Evolutionists tried to be rational, but that never worked because evolutionism is irrational.
76. Evolutionists are having success with appeal to ridicule fallacies since no one likes to be ridiculed.
77. Evolutionism is based in storytelling and denialism. Evolutionism is a religious dogma that can't be falsified. All conclusions of age-of-the-earth “science” depend on assumptions and storytelling.
78. Scientists and theologians generally reason emotionally and irrationally.
79. Scientists and theologians often reason based on made-up stuff such as axioms or assumptions. That’s irrational.
80. Scientists and theologians generally reason irrationally then rationalize their conclusions to make them seem sane.
81. Don’t be fooled by appeal the appeal to popularity fallacy. Satan established an organized system. The system consists of the culture, education, and media. The people in this system act in unison so the system acts as a single false prophet.
82. It’s no surprise ungodly schools teach an irrational form of logic.
83. Ungodly schools don’t teach the fact that without divine revelation, no path to a true premise exists.
84. Ad ignorantiam question fallacies work because most people don’t think rationally.
85. But sanctify [purify] the Lord God in your hearts [innermost being], and be ready always to give an answer [apologia = rational response] to every man who asks you a reason [logos = utterance = Christ] of the hope [firm vision from God] that is in you [in your innermost being] with meekness [a gentle spirit] and fear [reverence]. 1 Peter 3:15
