Ungodly thinkers are always forced to use fallacies since they can’t prove any premise true.

1. The whole world honors an insane way of thinking without absolute truth, and that’s why the world is so crazy.
2. Rational thought requires a starting point of truth. It must be based on truth. Truth is absolute by definition.
3. Without divine revelation, it’s impossible to have a true premise. Without a true premise, it’s impossible to be rational.
4. Without truth, no rational thought can exist.
5. No truth exists outside Christ.
6. The simplicity in Christ is this: Christ is real and Christ reveals truth to any open mind. He’s alive and knowable.
7. You can pray, “Lord, be the foundation of my every thought. Let me listen to Your voice every moment.”

31. Two basic fallacies exist: calling made-up stuff real and covering up the fact that we’re calling made-up stuff real.
32. Don’t fall into the axiomatic thinking fallacy trap. Axiomatic thinking is calling made-up stuff “true.”
33. The only alternative to the axiomatic thinking fallacy is divine revelation.
34. Assumptions consist of made-up stuff, and using them as the basis for reasoning is insane. And yet, academia runs on assumptions.
35. Presuppositions consist of made-up stuff and using them as the basis for reasoning is insane, and yet, academia runs on presuppositions.
36. Axioms consist of made-up stuff and using them as the basis for reasoning is insane, and yet, academia runs on axioms.
37. Since ungodly thinkers can never prove any premise, they get used to fallacy.
38. Ungodly thinkers mix assumptions with observations. Observation is different from an assumption.
39. Ungodly thinkers assume it makes sense to base reasoning on made-up stuff, to base thinking on assumptions or presuppositions. Made-up stuff is all they have.
40. Ungodly thinkers base their thoughts on made-up stuff because of the limitations of the human mind.
41. Ungodly thinkers use the argument from ignorance fallacy a lot, but it’s a sneaky way to give the illusion speculations are part of reality.
42. Ungodly thinkers face Agrippa’s Trilemma (the Münchausen Trilemma). Ungodly thinking can never come to an absolute conclusion. This means ungodly thinkers can never be certain of any claim.
43. Ungodly thinkers can’t be rational because of the Münchausen Trilemma. Only divine revelation from Jesus Christ solves this Trilemma.
44. Agrippa’s Trilemma (the Münchausen Trilemma) binds ungodly thinkers.
45. Ungodly thinkers try to defend reasoning based on made-up stuff and other fallacies.
46. Ungodly thinkers claim, based on bare assertion, that God doesn’t reveal truth to those who listen to Him.
47. Ungodly thinkers claim divine revelation is made-up stuff. How ironic! The ungodly thinker made up that claim. The ungodly thinker is claiming to know the inner spiritual experience of every Christian who ever lived.
48. God reveals Himself to ungodly thinkers. They refuse to listen to Him.
49. When ungodly thinkers refuse to listen to Christ, they’re turning toward darkness. They lose their ability to sense God. They can’t hear Him anymore. They can’t feel His presence. They can’t see the Kingdom of Heaven. They become increasingly callous.
50. Ungodly thinkers make up stories to assert that Christ doesn’t reveal reality to those who follow Him.
51. If you assume what you’re trying to prove, you prove nothing.
52. How could an ungodly thinker prove a premise? They would need a second premise to prove the first, but they can’t prove the second premise either. How can an ungodly thinker prove a premise? They can’t.
53. Ungodly thinkers are always forced to use fallacies since they can’t prove any premise true.
54. Rational thought requires true premises. That’s a problem for ungodly thinkers. It’s not a problem for those who know Christ. He is the truth and the only Source of knowledge and truth.
55. Rational thought must be based on truth, but ungodly thinkers have no path to truth. Ungodly thinkers can only escape this problem by turning to Christ. Pray for them.
56. Ungodly thinkers love to argue. Since they think their bare claims are valid, they have no limits.
57. Since ungodly thinkers can’t think rationally, they argue irrationally.
