The NAME "GOD" is repulsive. You'll find out why if you study the history of the name "GOD" (Ba'al).
WHAT IS HIS REAL NAME ? To start with, read - Deut. 5:11 (3rd Commandment)- You shall NOT bring HIS NAME to NOTHING (NAUGHT/VAIN). If you read the scriptures in Paleo/Ancient Hebrew then you MUST NOT use the Pagan title "God" to replace HIS NAME. His Name is "𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄" (as written in Paleo/Ancient Hebrew) = "Y H U H" = "YUD HA UU HA" or "YAHUAH". The real test will be if we "translate/transliterate" the TRUE Hebrew names of our Creator (YHUH/YAHUAH) or His Son "YAHUSHUA" to "so-called English names". The ORIGINAL names should NOT be changed as in our "modern English "translations" with "God" and "Jesus". Acts 4:12 - "NO OTHER NAME...". Check it out , you will be blessed...