The Call to the Watchmen
My baby sister was widowed about 4 years ago and her first hubby was an awesome Christian guy. He was more like a real flesh and blood brother than he was a brother in law. She already fell head over heels for a guy who turned out to be a jerk and she dumped him. Now she has been dating another jerk and it is obvious. Earlier today she came out with an announcement on her facebook profile that she was engaged. I had to let her know ahead of time what I actually think of him and the following is what I sent her:

"Sis, please accept what I have to say as my honest opinion, spoken out of my love for you. I think you're in too big a hurry to find a mate. There are worse things than being alone, trust me, I know. It is worse to be stuck in a relationship with somebody you really don't know than being alone. Let me preface what I have to say with this video. I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am a Watchman. Please watch the video below and you will understand. Chris was also a Watchman. That was our biggest common bond. Your fiance comes nowhere close. In fact, he is so far out of touch with the reality of current events, I cannot sit idly by and not tell you what I honestly think of him. Your boyfriend told me in no uncertain terms he didn't like seeing my "conspiracy theory posts" on his feed, so I blocked him. In my opinion, you need someone more akin to Chris, and your boyfriend doesn't even come close."

Jerry Boykin: The Call to the Watchmen
Jerry Boykin is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General and former commander of the U.S. Army's Delta Force