There were allegations aplenty at a Wednesday hearing on the federal tax charges against Hunter Biden, but what bothered U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi was the paucity of facts connecting the charges with efforts by congressional Republicans to probe the murky depths of the Biden family’s finances. Although Scarsi did not make a decision, he signaled in the Los Angeles hearing that defense arguments that the Biden administration’s Justice Department was doing former President Donald Trump’s bidding were not persuasive, according to CNN. Scarsi, who is dealing with nine motions from Hunter Biden’s attorneys, said he would issue a ruling by April 17, according to The Washington Post.

Federal Judge Has Bad News for Hunter Biden, Says There’s Zero Evidence His Charges Are Politically Motivated

Federal Judge Has Bad News for Hunter Biden, Says There’s Zero Evidence His Charges Are Politically Motivated

There were allegations aplenty at a Wednesday hearing on the federal tax charges against Hunter Biden, but what bothered U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi was the paucity of facts connecting the charges with efforts by congressional Republicans to probe the murky depths of the Biden family’s finances. "God blesses the USA when people and churches stand up, agree and declare the Lord is the God of the USA and America follows God's Word," said Steven Andrew. Andrew brings God's hope for the country to seek God with Bible reading morning and evening and to turn from wicked ways so we honor God and He heals our land. Pray: Lord, You are America's God. The USA needs You. Forgive our sins by Jesus Christ's blood. We cry out for a Christian Nation government now. We humble ourselves before You and seek Your face by reading the Bible morning and evening. We turn from our wicked ways. In Jesus' name. Amen.