Whatcha Know 'Bout Christian Worldview? (FUN)
1) Who was the scholar who popularized the Christian Worldview ideology?
2) The #xtan World-and-Life view sees Real History as _____.
3) Label the 7 C's of History in order:
__Creation __Catastrophe __Christ __Confession __Churchill
__Curse __Cross __Confusion _ComingAgain __Confetti ...
6) According to the Christian WorldView, omniculturalism refers to ___.
7) Name the Christian #rocketscientist who denied Darwin.
mooore >>

Jay Hall M.S. on LinkedIn: #xtan #humanity #rocketscientist #martian #christianworldview…

Westminster Wasp - Whatcha Know Bout Christian Worldview? -- wArN1Ng hum0Urz ahead ... 1) Who was the scholar who popularized the Christian Worldview…