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Watch. Sen. Josh Hawley: Traitor Deep State CISA "Violated the First Amendment" to Betray America and Censor Americans to Help Foreign Enemies with Democrats; Treason

"We know God calls the USA to humble ourselves, seek God and turn from wicked ways," said Steven Andrew. That is why Andrew is leading the USA to have a Christian nation government now in revival. As a result of Andrew and participants following God's Word where people forgot to follow God, we now have God's direction for the nation. PRAY: Lord, You are America's God. The USA needs You. Forgive our sins by Jesus Christ's blood. We cry out for a Christian Nation government now. We humble ourselves before You and seek Your face with Bible reading morning and evening. We turn from our wicked ways. In Jesus' name. Amen. Exodus 18:21, Judges 3:9, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 2