Mechanic's Tip:
With lots of small businesses going out of business, and even some bigger businesses closing some stores and "restructuring"... I'm strongly advising everyone to get their bicycles in order, all tuned-up, and parts that your bicycles need to get those parts replaced within the next month or so.

You just never know if your local bicycle shop will be closing, and perhaps that will leave your area without a local bicycle shop. I've seen many local bicycle shops close in the past 4 years and I'm seeing others struggling.

Your bicycles are an important resource/tool to have; they are your way to get to local places without driving... so that saves you money at the gas pump.
Your bicycles offer a way to exercise as you enjoy riding your bicycle on local adventures on off-road or paved trails, or as your just hop on your bicycle and ride.

If you see a free bicycle posting on a social platform that someone is giving away because they no longer want it, and you are handy with fixing up bicycles... get it and fix it up. Then you can donate that fixed up bicycle to a family member, a friend, or a local person who doesn't have a bicycle, but would like one... or to someone who needs one. By doing that, and helping out someone, you will see how much a simple kind gesture helps out someone who is in need of a bicycle, but can not afford one. You know much a bicycle can help a person get around especially if they do not have a vehicle to drive. A bicycle can make a huge difference in someone's life. Maybe fix it up and give it to a local teenager so that teen can ride the bicycle to school to rather than walking, or they can use it to ride to a Summer job.

If you are handy with fixing bicycles, and you know a few senior citizens who ride bicycles, check over their bicycles for them and make sure their bicycles are safe for them to ride, and lube their chain a little bit so their bicycles are in good shape as they ride.
In today's world... we as cyclists have to stick together and help each other out if we can.
We all ride bicycles because we share our passion of riding, so be kind and help out a fellow cyclists if you can. Paying donated bicycles forward is a great way to increase cyclists and help others both at the same time.
