A little background : -

Memorial Day 2024: Facts, Meaning & Traditions | HISTORY
Originally known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day started in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971 to honor those who served and died in wars.

Un dia que la Nacion recuerda los que han caido en guerras anterior para defender la Libertad.

Memorial Day is next monday May 27, - Where will you be, a day our Nation celebrates...but this one will be very different. Why, watch and listen...

Dia Memorial es el proximo lunes Mayo 27 - Adonde estaras tu, un dia que la Nacion celebra...pero este sera muy diferente, Porque, escucha y mira...

- La denuncia de un gobierno corrupto


We have seen it all and heard it all... - if you are a Veteran, an American citizen, or citizen that loves this Country and has seen what is being played before our eyes, you will understand our Country was stolen in November 2020. We must speak out and not remain silent any longer.

Lo hemos visto y oido todo - si eres Veterano, un cuidadano Americano o un imigrante que ama esta patria y ha visto lo que se esta desplegando ante nuestros ojos, entenderas que nuestra Nacion fue robada Noviembre 2020. Tenemos que hablar y no quedarnos cayado mas. Haremos una marcha con nuestras banderas ALREVEZ

On May 27, 2024 We are asking ALL who feel proud, we will have a demonstration all over this Country, share this email far and wide (Sara -300+) We will march with our flags UPSIDE DOWN


Upside Down American Flag Meaning: 7 Things You Didn’t Know - Operation Military Kids
What is the deal with the upside down American flag? Recently, more U.S. flags have been spotted flipped around, leading some to question the actual purpose of the demonstration. Be that as it may, the upside down American flag is not a new tradition. In fact, the flag has been flipped around for decades and

Por Que una bandera American alrevez ^, simbolo que la nacion estan bajo dures:

Significado de la bandera americana al revés: 7 cosas que no sabías - Soy Militar
¿Cuál es el trato con la bandera estadounidense al revés?
Wait for more details to follow...but gather your church, you neighbors, your groups and we will walk with our American Flag upside down that day...May 27, all across this great nation...We The People will speak with one PEACEFUL voice. with signs, etc etc. Organize folks,

Espere mas detalles...hable con su iglesias, sus vecinos, sus grupos, y andaremos todos con nuestra bandera American Alrevez ese dia...Mayo 27, a nivel nacional...Nosotros El Pueblo hablaremos con una voz Pacificamente...con letreros, etc. etc. Organisense..

As always share this email with your Like Minded Friends...Our Country has been hijacked and we must show solidarity.

Como siempre comparta este correo con sus amistades que piensan como vd...Nuestra nacion has sido secuestrada y tenemos que mostrar solidaridad...

God Bless,
Dios los Bendiga