So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them (Jonah 3:5).
Many scoff at efforts for area wide revival.
They have unnumbered reasons for their unbelief:
The days are too wicked.
The time is too late.
Hearts are too hard.
People will not listen.
The cost of the effort is too great.
But they seldom admit the reason for their defeatist attitudes — the cost of personal revival.
Revival cannot be pumped up — advertised in — promoted through — instead, it must be prayed down.
Unless individuals get right with God there will be no revival. In Nineveh, the king was one of the first to turn from his sin. Others then followed. Area wide revivals are simply examples of many turning from sin to the Lord.
Most great revivals are built around strong preaching.
Wesley, Finney, Moody and others were key servants of God in times of revival. And It is interesting that God uses preaching.
Foolishness, Paul called it. Yet he declared that God had chosen preaching to save them that believe — to give the message of the Gospel so that people can hear, believe and be saved.
Prayer and preaching — what a combination.
Two of the major problems today is that None preach Hell or Damnation .. and Believers fail to Pray.
Instead Lucifer has persuaded Denominations and its Ministers that...
There is no Hell … and everyone will go to heaven.
As well as... just pray this prayer and your ticket is paid, go on an live your life, no need to worry.
And then there is the … God did not mean it when He said Homosexuals will burn in Hell, that was just those old bigots in days of old. And we as a church will support it and promote Homosexuals into our ranks.
As well as … God will embrace abortions...after all its for the Good of the woman... and we will promote it and march in the streets to declare it.
That is why we need Real Preaching, not just from the Pulpit but In the Streets and on the Air.
Preaching is nothing more than speaking God's Truth publicly, and in private to any who will listen.
Now ...You may not be able to preach, but you can pray.
Through your praying, alone and with others in your area, God may ignite the fires of revival.
When that happens, He will raise up someone to preach the Word in power so the move will be blessed with multiplied conversions.
Ask God for a burden for revival.
Begin to pray.
An area wide revival may be the answer to your prayer.