2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

I look at the name of that man from the fairy tale story written by The Brothers Grimm Rumpelstiltskin if one takes the letter k out of the letters S I and N and what do you get? you get the word Paul the last of the early church's Apostles wrote in this verse in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 sin I also learned the first names of those 2 brothers are Jacob and Wilhelm Jacob as I remember is the name the man who was blessed by God years before in the Old Covenant went from Jacob to Israel. And Wilhelm I also remembered is the name of the king who turned out to be a father of the woman named Rapunzel in a cartoon that had the doll created by Mattel years before in the 20th century known as Barbie. Maybe God let Jacob be named after the grandson of Abraham who also is the son of Abraham's son Isaac. Again with the truth that Jesus Christ spoke in Luke 8:17 of the gospel according to Luke Luke 8:17 For there is nothing secret that shall not be made manifest neither any thing hid that shall not come abroad. In short and in truth God will manifest everything in the Bible to be true and not a lie that is false. When the people learn the 2 sides of light and darkness good and evil the old covenant began by the Ten Commandments plus the New Covenant of Grace which gives us the gospel of Jesus Christ written in and spoken by brother Paul the Apostle in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 in short it will become clear to everyone both the children of Jehovah the wheat and the children of Apollyon the tares and once that gets manifested he and his lost unholy villains the Antichrist and the false prophet will no longer be able to deceive the human race ever again. As the Chinese Philosophy known by the 2 words Yin and Yang manifest that we can't have light without darkness they in a way do teach sound doctrine that manifests what is written from Genesis to Revelation the first book in the Old Testament to the last book in the New Testament going back to the words in the film The Dark Knight you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain the 2 words spoken by the father of the prodigal son who came to his senses repented and believed the Truth and what happened He was given Grace and forgiven of all the sins he became lost in. The father like God Himself pretty much manifested Psalms 103:10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. He won't do any of that as long as we stick to preaching the Truth the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth so help us God.
