🇺🇸 How many of your fellow citizens understand how the federal bureaucracy AKA the backed up over flowing cesspool known as the DC Swamp came about? Has the biased, dishonest, lying legacy or social media tyrants reported on or shared the recent SCOTUS ruling that hopefully will shrink that bloated overgrown detriment to freedom and liberty?

🇺🇸 The more EVERY American learns and knows about the overwhelming 3 letter agencies that insinuate themselves into every aspect of our lives, the better off the USA will be. Our elected lawmakers have skirted their Constitutional responsibilities by allowing the agencies to write rules outside the laws, administer those rules, issue tickets to violators, AND be the prosecutor, Judge, and jury when hearing, adjudicating, and punishing those violations.
🇺🇸 That folks is NOT within the US Constitution. That is an awesome ruling that will make America better! YOUR job is to SHARE this to at least 25 friends and groups at least today and, if you're a true patriot, do that for 5 days! The ONLY way to counter the legacy media liars is to educate the masses.