Op Ed # 675 The Communist Plan That Subverted And Corrupted The United States Intelligence Age

By Capt Joseph R. John, July 12, 2024

A century-old Marxist campaign has succeeded in ideologically subverting the United States, Government Bureaucracy, and its Intelligence Agencies. The results of the Marxist’s successes are seen in today’s leftist street protests, the CRT/DEI obsession in the US Armed Forces/Intelligence Agencies, the prevalent anti-Israel/anti-Semitic demonstrations, the attacks on conservative Supreme Court Judges, the aggressive plan by Socialist Democrats to allow 16 million invading Illegal Aliens to vote in the Presidential Election, the saturation of the academia bureaucracy to promote Anti-Patriotic Marxism indoctrination, and the US Department of Education support for Marxists Indoctrination of grammar school and college students. (Levy, Janet, “The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our Intelligence Agencies,” American Thinker, July 3, 2024.)

The Bolshevik strategy to destroy the West by capturing the minds of its elites, artists, academicians, the military, the media, and impressionable students has unfolded aggressively over the last three generations. The Marxist skillfully installed their fellow Marxist allies in the Obama and Biden administrations. They have been working 24/7 to abolition the Patriotic culture within the US, they are intent on bringing about the wholesale destruction of the impressive and successful 248-year History of the United States, eliminating the Judaeo/Christian beliefs of American Citizens, and the support by the younger generation of Americans for Historic Patriotic values. They have been tearing apart the nuclear family (the strongest core for unity that has strengthened the Republic for over 200 years) and they have been sexualizing young children, to dehumanize the next generation of Americans. (Levy, Janet, “The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our Intelligence Agencies,” American Thinker, July 3, 2024.)

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Op Ed # 675 The Communist Plan That Subverted And Corrupted The United States Intelligence Agencies | cvfc1