The most recent thing I have read about the NWO is on the topic of oceania and transhumanism. Transhumanism is a method or way a group of people ( who call themselves the Elite) to make themselves to become God like beings or a God themselves. These elites are doing this via the microchip and the use of nano technology. These microchips that we are ultimately supposed to receive will also have hundreds of nanochips that will be used to alter our minds and perceptions to make us more obedient to the commands of the elite. The elite by the way won't have these chips implanted. It has been stated that we all have some form of nanochips within us by breathing the fallout of the numerous Chem trails from the air force jets. Now whether this is true or not, I don't know. But I am sure that these Chem trails have no human benefit. I would not be surprised if these chips also contain some kind of virus that can be triggered by an outside force to take us out at will and we would be none the wiser. Oceania is the methods by which to control behaviors since they can't necessary change behaviors. Google and facebook are using this daily on us by controlling what we see when we request a specific search. China has accomplished this via a Social scoring which both Google and Yahoo helped to create. N Korea has achieved this by stating there is no other god but Kim Jung Hun and his family. If anyone disputes this, they are immediately killed along with their family. Combine all of these ideologies together and you have the NWO.