SHIFT: 1600-0000

Characteristic of anarchism - ruin
i get healed then im reinjured. Is it because of this ideology? Yes
How do they pay if their org little money? The individual
Arbiter (JudgePanelli) who died was it him who was called upon to negotiate justice?
Told like m...
Attack to my muscles.
Attack to my scalp.
Omit to who but told inock was released as a hostage.
Added history: shouldve been released in the 1900s. No motive for the reason they continued. Also heard it wouldve saved lives. Theyre using noncombatants as human shields. Theyre atttacked instead of them. Also, these are in innter3sts they dont have an interest in.
5old repeat its to be lawful so not understand.
Everyone is responsible for their own crimes.
+ crimes not sin or social things
She thought this was social.
And she would stop whenever she wanted.
Despite this, they ignore. Why?
Obvious almost seems silly. Theyre terrorists. Said slowly.
She also thought and said outloud 2d ago. If they know everything i think what does it matter what i say or do?
They made an effort to tell her they knew everything.
Maybe rebellion? Yes
Feeling. They didnt know. Feeling of rebellion hostile? controlling...
Not knowing the opposition comparatively worse, way worse.
Heard father and heard rapper verses from Camilla....song #?
Heard pimp both afram.
Race or bpp? Bpp
After midnight - anarchist rioters? Yes by sound honk
Does that out the owner of the car in danger?
We want an answer. Yes
Pause 2149
This (pause) lasted under 1m
2150sn siren going by
Pause again quiet 2150sn
Ive been given yt videos.
Pres putin assassination in the thumbnail
And? No emotion
Now im thinking scenarios bit told not to.
New emotions and then it stopped.
I said outloud i didnt know what that was.
Im a noncombatant.
Im discouraged from saying the obvious.
At the time i thought as in past that spies and assassins do little. I think its overhyped.
Based on bible history success was on the battlefield. Also, doing so put themselves in much danger idt
God wouldve wanted and sin (lie).
Waiting to hear..
Freemason outloud past week. Compared to bpp. Big difference. I choose freemasonry between the two. They do good in and donate to the community.
(Now) Eysight improved then worsened.
Omit expletive