Hebrews 11:1


Romans 10:17

SO THEN, FAITH COMES – BY HEARING, AND HEARING – BY THE WORD OF GOD (THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH – The ENTIRE Holy Bible, And Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ; Including, Holy Bible Prophecy)!

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 & 2 Corinthians 5:1-8

Therefore, We (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty) Do NOT Lose Heart! Even Though, Our Outward Man (The Natural Body) – Is Perishing; Yet, THE INWARD MAN (The Spiritual Body) – Is Being RENEWED, Day By Day! For Our Light Affliction (The Natural Body), Which Is – BUT, For A Moment, Is Working For Us – A Far More Exceeding AND Eternal Weight Of Glory (The Spiritual Body); While, We Do NOT Look – At The (Earthly) Things (IN Satan’s World), Which Are Seen; BUT, (We Look) – At The (Spiritual) Things (IN Heaven), Which Are NOT Seen! For The (Earthly) Things (IN Satan’s World), Which Are Seen – ARE Temporary; BUT, The (Spiritual) Things (IN Heaven), Which Are NOT Seen – ARE ETERNAL (ARE EVERLASTING)!

For WE KNOW, That If Our Earthly House (The Natural Body), THIS Tent – Is Destroyed (We Die A Physical Death Of The Natural Body); We Have A BUILDING (The Spiritual Body) – From GOD (GOD Almighty); A House (The Spiritual Body) NOT Made – With (Human) Hands, ETERNAL In The Heavens! For In THIS (The Natural Body) – We Groan, Earnestly Desiring To Be CLOTHED – With Our Habitation (The Spiritual Body), Which Is – From Heaven (FROM GOD Almighty); If Indeed, Having Been CLOTHED (IN The Spiritual Body), We Shall NOT Be Found Naked! For We, Who Are – In THIS Tent (The Natural Body) Groan, Being Burdened, NOT Because We Want To Be Unclothed – BUT, Further CLOTHED (IN The Spiritual Body); That, Mortality (The Natural Body) May Be Swallowed Up – BY LIFE (THE HOPE OF EVERLASTING LIFE – IN The Spiritual Body)! NOW HE, WHO HAS PREPARED US, FOR THIS VERY THING – IS GOD (GOD Almighty); WHO ALSO, HAS GIVEN US – THE SPIRIT (The Holy Spirit), AS A GUARANTEE (GOD Almighty’s Down Payment)!

SO, WE ARE – ALWAYS CONFIDENT; KNOWING, That While We Are At Home – In The (Natural) Body, We Are Absent – From THE LORD (Jesus Christ)! For We Walk – By FAITH (FAITH – IN The Gospel Of Jesus Christ), NOT By (Human) Sight! We Are Confident, YES, Well Pleased Rather; To Be Absent – From The (Natural) Body, And To Be Present – With THE LORD (Jesus Christ)!

1 Corinthians 15:49, 51-53

And As We (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty) Have Borne The Image Of The MAN Of Dust (The Natural Body); We Shall Also – Bear The Image Of THE HEAVENLY MAN (Jesus Christ, i.e., The Spiritual Body, AT The Being CAUGHT UP Together)! Behold, I Tell YOU – A Mystery: We Shall NOT All Sleep (Die A Physical Death Of The Natural Body); BUT, WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED (TRANSFORMED: An Instantaneous Supernatural CHANGE – Into Our Spiritual Bodies) — In A Moment, In The Twinkling Of An Eye, AT THE LAST TRUMPET (CALL – For The Bride Of Christ)! FOR THE TRUMPET (Of GOD Almighty) WILL SOUND, And The Dead (IN Christ, aka PRE-Tribulation Dead Believers) Will Be RAISED (ALIVE) – INCORRUPTIBLE (IN Their Spiritual Bodies), AND WE (PRE-Tribulation LIVING Believers) SHALL BE CHANGED (TRANSFORMED: An Instantaneous Supernatural CHANGE – Into Our Spiritual Bodies)! For THIS Corruptible (The Natural Body) MUST Put On INCORRUPTION (The Spiritual Body); And THIS Mortal (The Natural Body) MUST Put On IMMORTALITY (The Spiritual Body)!

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

FOR THE LORD (Jesus Christ) HIMSELF WILL DESCEND (ALIVE) FROM HEAVEN – WITH A SHOUT, WITH THE VOICE OF AN ARCHANGEL (“COME UP HERE!”), AND WITH THE TRUMPET (CALL) OF GOD (GOD Almighty – For The Bride Of Christ)! AND THE DEAD IN CHRIST (PRE-Tribulation Dead Believers) WILL RISE (ALIVE – IN Their Spiritual Bodies) – FIRST! THEN WE (PRE-Tribulation LIVING Believers), WHO ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN (On Earth For The Moment) SHALL BE (TRANSFORMED: Instantaneously Supernaturally CHANGED – Into Our Spiritual Bodies, AND THEN, BE) CAUGHT UP (To Seize By Force; To SNATCH Up, Suddenly And Decisively – Like Someone Seizing A Prize; To Take By An OPEN DISPLAY Of Force, i.e., NOT Covertly, OR Secretly; i.e., To Be Suddenly And Violently SNATCHED Out Of THIS World – By Jesus Christ Himself) TOGETHER WITH THEM (RISEN PRE-Tribulation Dead Believers) – IN THE CLOUDS (Far Above The Earth) TO MEET THE LORD (Jesus Christ) IN THE AIR (And Be Taken Into Heaven – By Jesus Christ Himself)! AND THUS, WE (RISEN PRE-Tribulation Dead Believers AND CHANGED PRE-Tribulation LIVING Believers) SHALL ALWAYS BE – WITH THE LORD (Jesus Christ – AT The Being CAUGHT UP Together, AND For Eternity, Forever)! THEREFORE, COMFORT ONE ANOTHER – WITH THESE WORDS! [Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, For More Details]
