
X Administrators and Support,

I am asking for an Administrative Aduit of my account AND AN ITINERATE LIST of alleged violations of Terms of Service, HOW my account allegedly violates your terms with an open discussion on your X platform where everyone can read it.

Those are the exact same courtesies that CEO Elon Musk had to demand from the European Union when they threatened to SUSPEND X from the E.U.

I have several X accounts and am not a robot, ONE ACCOUNT PER ONE VALID E-MAIL.

X has had my name, address and phone number without any attempt to contact me.

I am looking forward to continue using X under the new leadership of Elon Musk.

To screen for religious prejudice from X staff, a quote from King David's Psalm
False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.

Thank You,
Nicholas Kevin Ricchiuti
Owentown, Texas 75708
Home Phone:#
Smart Phone:#