#20241001DATE, #2024YEAR, #202410YEARMONTH, #10MONTH, #1001MONTHDAY
SHIFT: 1600-0000
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Notes: #TECH202410
Problem (that) delay post. Return to read later.Overworked. Rest.
(+ Prolonged delay.)
Also, want to return #SMITHWESSONKNIFE2024 and rebuy. It was on deathday maggiesmith actress (why?) because psychological association.
Work: Meanwhile, watch vp debate
Govwalz isnt ready
Sudden start tv interference
Changed channels from cbs to simulcast elswewhere
State voters voted pro life
Walz "mind your own business".
He ignored state voters. He ignored state law. Why?
Gov tell us what to do with our bodies.
Lie. Voters voted.
Simple: ignore votes.
Unmentioned. Talk about it.
Unmentioned reasons:
War rape, protect victim.
History, Ussr rape of berlin.
Attempt to change laws for 1 victim.
Takeover (law) with 1 victim.
Limit # of victims
Other reasons: greater threat when on demand abortion by taking hostage and forceabortion
Abortion from 170s or 50y much data.
Experts say abortion is bad.
Overall more harm than good
Hear threat to cause individual attacked to change that persons mind, this is for a political goal. This is terrrorism.
Was that anarchist? Yes
Bible - rape, incest
Better to abort later killed many people because was a son of a prominent man and killed for revenge for bullying
Other examples resulted in good. Tamar and Judah
Disagree. She was widowed. So lawful.
Any reply? No, yes
Housing costs
Same problem in kr from investors from cn. Hear cn gov to buy in locations prominent. Also, history of procommunist locations or proximity jeju.
Does the us have enough energy reserve if we go to war?
If war, will energy rationning solve that problem?
Unused land gov land
We have ca fires in locations border gov land. Maybe different risks elsewhere.
THINK blackpantherparty and
SO refugees
UssrSo mrbullion anarchoterrorist anarchoislamist
Moderator: You have not given proof
Do they ask that of the leftwing?
ACA - waste because not care about efficiency and choose most expensive procedure but not better.
USSR corruption
You cant improve on human nature by threats or punishment in antiatheism
Walz: work for all of us.
All? Literal? Work for poor. Take from rich give to poor in taxes.
Bible: 10% to levites
(+ the point: same for everyone called today #FLATTAX, rate refers to percentage. More income they pay more.)
More given more. Reason: reward for obedience
Not pay attention to debate
Childcare, housing
IDEA, give credit to me?: credit for grandparents to reside with grandchildren, multigenerational homes.
Create mutilgenerational homes duplex type by floors.
Buy homes near grandparents next door.
Jobs in their city decrease travel to decrease energy costs
Attacked with emotions over policy
2020 elections
Assume leftwing governors arent corrupt
No ru collusion
It was ru
Inequal media cover
Industrial level by vpharris
Think ussr against dissent
Followers dont listen to their leaders:
Rightwing MONTHDAY0106 peaceful
Leftwing- College protests ILHAMASWAR2023
Leftwing: Assassin against #USPRESTRUMP202410
#USSROPERATIONPANDORA start a race war, force police to error, what % of provocations result in error, are they testing how far do they push until they get police inaction?
Freedom in your bedroom - lie
Sex is regulated from abortion to ?
(I hear sex crimes)
Voters decide whats a crime.
Obey laws
Liberal democracy includes observe laws
Ignore abortion laws of states promoted by leftwing
Past, no contraception? in a state
The answer was ca state law (bill?) allow its residents residing in another state for college to break laws. This violates another states law. Why?