Woman condemns TSA on how they allow migrants to get through airport when they are illegals, while Americans have tyranny; God's judgment on national security and freedom increased when Democrats and Trump prayed to false gods

Does it bother you that JD Vance blasphemes Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ is not good enough to save a person? Trump approves of this evil. Abomination. Democrats and Trump are abomination. Do false gods bother you? Are you vexxed by people betraying the Lord? God's judgment increased when Democrats removed God from the Pledge at the DNC and Trump prayed to the false god Sikh and Roman Catholic idol with JD Vance. The Lord is the one true God. Have you renounced the false gods of the new age, the Democrat party that removed God from the Pledge of Allegiance, serving money instead of God, Islam, Roman Catholicism that denies the atonement that salvation is by grace through faith and denies the authority of the Holy Bible that anti-Christian JD Vance is part of, Buddhism, and other strange gods? James 4:4, Exodus 20:1-6. There is hope. Steven Andrew brings revival for the country to seek God with Bible reading morning and evening and to turn from wicked ways so we honor God and He heals our land. Pray: Lord, You are America's God. The USA needs You. Forgive our sins by Jesus Christ's blood. We cry out for a Christian Nation government now. We humble ourselves before You and seek Your face by reading the Bible morning and evening. We turn from our wicked ways. In Jesus' name. Amen. # evg16