this patriot is convinced that every democrat that has ever held office the past 150 years or longer n every rino just a kiss'n cousin to the democrats the past 50 or so years ago....all have one thing in common....take the country and her people away from a republic 1st. we're a democracy don't ya know n then a liberal democracy followed by a liberal-socialist democracy n then slam-dunk us into what they've wanted all along communist new world order....n this would of happened had calamity harris became far as i'm concerned EVERY DEMOCRAT N RINO ALIVE IN OFFICE OR NO LONGER IN OFFICE MUST BE ARRESTED&FACE TRIAL FOR TREASON,FOUND GUILTY OFF TO THE HANG'N GALLOWS.....PEOPLE DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THESE ARE OUR WORST ENEMIES OF FREEDOM ALL ALONG!!!!....TREASON REQUIRES THE DEATH PENALTY!!!!