"if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish." Deuteronomy 8:19. Do you want to be blessed? Agree: The Lord is the God of the USA. The USA rejects Democrat and Trump Vance false gods in Jesus' name. Amen. The Deuteronomy 28:15-68 curses are for those who disobey the Lord. Trump is turning to false gods, such as Hindu Tulsi and Vivek, Catholic Vance and Muslim Oz who deny Jesus is good enough to save people from sin and deny the authority of the Holy Bible. Democrats and Trump Vance are Deuteronomy 28:15-68 cursed. Trump-hater Meghan McCain, the daughter of the late RINO former US Senator John McCain, came to the defense of Trump’s Director of National Intelligence nominee, Tulsi Gabbard, Wednesday over recent smears from the left and the mainstream media. It is alarming that Gabbard is such a close friend of the McCains, who have been some of the worst anti-Trump RINOs.

Agree Jesus is the USA's judge, lawgiver and king, Isaiah 33:22; Trump Hater Meghan McCain Defends and Endorses Close Friend Tulsi Gabbard for Trump DNI; Trump betrays Jesus Christ with false gods

Agree Jesus is the USA's judge, lawgiver and king, Isaiah 33:22; Trump Hater Meghan McCain Defends and Endorses Close Friend Tulsi Gabbard for Trump DNI; Trump betrays Jesus Christ with false gods

URGENT. God blesses the USA for obeying Him or judges the economy and national security for disobeying Him. Your future depends on obeying God. * Daily Join 40 Days to Follow the Bible for God to raise up Christian Leaders led by Steven Andrew. Nov 12 to Dec 22. If you want God to bless America pray daily. PRAY. Lord, You are America's God. The USA is on Your side. May Christians be bold for You. We cry out to You to raise up Christian leaders only who have Jesus as judge, lawgiver, and king immediately for all federal, state, and local representatives. In Jesus' name. Amen. Exodus 18:21, Isaiah 33:22, Joel 2:13-18, Mark 12:30, Psalm 33:12.