Football can be a game of very strange statistics!
Almost always the team that wins has the “most” of everything in yards rushing, passing, time of possession - and of course - the most points. Nevertheless there are times when the winner has none of these 'stats' – yet still ends up the victor (?!) Jesus tells us of two opposite cases how this played out.
In Luke 16 the rich man in hell had a long 'time of possession' of the riches of this world only to lose it all after death, and in a parallel example the thief on the cross had none of what the rich man had but in just a few short minutes had a 'SHORT time of possession' with Jesus on the cross that gave him the ultimate victory!
Even if you’ve lived your life in shame like the man on the cross or lived like the rich man enjoying the best stats of this life all you need - even if it’s the closing moments of the game of life - is to possess the only real thing worth having, and that is salvation in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Friend, the only stat that counts at the end of this life is the final score.
How will your VISITOR score read?
God Bless You - Jesus Loves You