by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada
King David had a true heart for God and was instrumental in establishing the kingdom of Israel. However, he also committed a grievous moral failure by having an affair and impregnating the wife of one of his generals - only to try covering it up by sending that man to his death in battle. However despite this, David is an example to all of us that we all can get back on the path to 'Keep The Charges' of God and not only be forgiven, but blessed and prosperous.
After his indiscretion he penned one of the most famous confessions of repentance in scripture writing:
“Have mercy on me, God,
according to your steadfast love.
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
and cleanse me from my sin.”
Psalm 51:1-2
David’s life shows us that when we follow the path of repentance, that forgiveness is not only possible, but also restoration which is a path that leads to Blessing and Prosperity.
The root meaning of the word 'prosperity' in the original Greek language is actually contrary to the modern-day definition of money, riches, or great possessions! Instead, it literally means a being on 'A Good Road or Path.' And as today’s verse instructs, that path is by being mindful to follow the ways God has decreed.
My friend, when we remember to practice and follow these charges inside our hearts, it will always lead to TRUE prosperity along the path of life.
Are you on God’s road of Prosperity or
the road of Prosperity of this world?
God Bless You - Jesus Loves You
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