Drones ‘Surveillance Bill’ BLOCKED… ‘Spying on Americans’
Rand Paul blocks bill to authorize local, state authorities to track drones
Drones continue to buzz over SU bases. The military isn’t sure why or how to stop them
Long Island cops can shoot down drones as new high tech command center unveiled ‘we don’t want to wait’
FAA temporarily restricts drone flights in New York amid concerns over recently reported sightings

WATCH: Drones ‘Surveillance Bill’ BLOCKED… ‘Spying on Americans’ - YouTube

WATCH: Drones ‘Surveillance Bill’ BLOCKED… ‘Spying on Americans’ - YouTube

BREAKING NEWS: Rand Paul blocks bill to authorize local, state authorities to track drones https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5046796-rand-paul-blocks-drone...