Op Ed # 702 The Dangerous Covid-19 Virus Pandemic And The Dangerous Forever Chemicals Damaging The Health of Americans
By Capt Joseph R. John, January 8, 2025
An endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress Congressman Brad J. Wenstrup, Col-USAR (MC) (R-OH-2), who is the outgoing Chairman of the Select Congressional Committee on the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic, submitted the final report on the effects of the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic that can be read by clicking on the below listed link. It revealed that the extremely dangerous inoculation was never medically evaluated for the required two year period to be rigorously evaluated before it should have been approved for human use.
The inoculation was illegally mislabeled as a Vaccination by Dr. Anthony Fauci. It was never a Vaccination, like other Vaccinations, which protects inoculated recipients from being infected by the Corona-19 Virus, it is a “Gene Therapy Injection” that never protected any individual from the Covid-19 Virus. The dangerous Covid-19 injection killed and maimed millions of American Citizens and military personnel who were forced to be inoculated by the dangerous “Gene Therapy Injection” under the threat of losing their jobs or being discharged from the US Armed Forces; students were threatened not to be allowed to attend classes in Public Schools and colleges if they were not inoculated by the Covid-19 dangerous injection.
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