Jan 17-22 – Bible study questions – Psalms 69,70
Please read Psalms 69,70 and answer the following questions. (Psalm 70 is essentially identical to Psalm 40:14-17 which we already studied.)
1. How does the psalmist describe his troubles in 69:1-3?
2. Special Assignment: How does he describe his enemies in 69:4? How is he treated unfairly? What New Testament passage refers to this verse?
3. What confession does he make in 69:5? What concern does he have about the effects of his conduct – 69:6? What should we learn about our influence on others?
4. Special Assignment: What reasons does he give for his mistreatment – 69:7-9? Where is verse 9 quoted in the New Testament, and how is it used there?
5. For what actions did people ridicule him in 69:10-12? What kinds of people spoke against him? (Think: What can we learn from these criticisms?)
6. What help did he seek in his time of trouble – 69:13-17?
7. What help did he receive from other people – 69:18-21? What New Testament passages are similar to verse 21 regarding Jesus’ crucifixion?
8. What consequences should come upon the enemies – 69:22-24? Where is verse 22 quoted in the New Testament and how is it used?
9. How else should they be punished according to 69:25-28? Where is verse 25 quoted in the New Testament and how is it used?
10. What will the psalmist do despite his suffering – 69:29-31? How does he describe how he thinks God will accept this?
11. How will his service to God affect other people – 69:32-36? What blessing will God bring upon people?
Video should be available Thursday at https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudy