What Does Grace Offer and How Do We Know What Grace Does?

What is God's grace? What different views do people hold regarding grace? What material and spiritual blessings does grace offer? How can we learn what sins God's grace will or will not cover and what grace does in salvation? What is the connection between grace and the message of the gospel?

Free Video Bible Study at

This material is also available as an article here:

Free Bible courses and commentaries by David E. Pratte at www.biblestudylessons.com
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Jan 17-22 – Bible study questions – Psalms 69,70
Please read Psalms 69,70 and answer the following questions. (Psalm 70 is essentially identical to Psalm 40:14-17 which we already studied.)
1. How does the psalmist describe his troubles in 69:1-3?
2. Special Assignment: How does he describe his enemies in 69:4? How is he treated unfairly? What New Testament passage refers to this verse?
3. What confession does he make in 69:5? What concern does he have about the effects of his conduct – 69:6? What should we learn about our influence on others?
4. Special Assignment: What reasons does he give for his mistreatment – 69:7-9? Where is verse 9 quoted in the New Testament, and how is it used there?
5. For what actions did people ridicule him in 69:10-12? What kinds of people spoke against him? (Think: What can we learn from these criticisms?)
6. What help did he seek in his time of trouble – 69:13-17?
7. What help did he receive from other people – 69:18-21? What New Testament passages are similar to verse 21 regarding Jesus’ crucifixion?
8. What consequences should come upon the enemies – 69:22-24? Where is verse 22 quoted in the New Testament and how is it used?
9. How else should they be punished according to 69:25-28? Where is verse 25 quoted in the New Testament and how is it used?
10. What will the psalmist do despite his suffering – 69:29-31? How does he describe how he thinks God will accept this?
11. How will his service to God affect other people – 69:32-36? What blessing will God bring upon people?
Video should be available Thursday at https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudy


Let God’s Enemies Be Scattered but Let the Righteous Be Glad.

In the Old Testament, why did God consider certain nations to be His enemies? How did He treat these enemy nations? In contrast, what had He done for His nation Israel? What can we learn about God's justice? How should righteous people react to God's justice?

See our Video Bible Study at

Free Bible courses and commentaries by David E. Pratte at www.biblestudylessons.com
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Bible Teaching Is Important and Relevant to You

Are you seeking spiritual guidance and direction in your life? Do you have serious questions about spiritual teaching and issues? This free study provides relevant Bible answers!

Christian doctrine offers true answers to questions such as: Does God exist? What is the purpose and meaning of life? What is the origin of the human race? Can we receive eternal life after death? How can we be forgiven of our sins and receive the favor and blessings of God?

Free Bible study article at

Free Bible courses and commentaries by David E. Pratte at www.biblestudylessons.com
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Jan 10-15 – Bible study questions – Psalms 68
Please read Psalms 68 and answer the following questions. Note: most students agree this is one of the most difficult Psalms to understand. Some verses involve difficult translation.
1. Special Assignment: How are God’s enemies treated? How do the righteous react – 68:1-4? Explain the illustrations. (Think: Why were some nations considered God’s enemies?)
2. What blessings did God provide some people in 68:5,6? List other passages about caring for the needy.
3. What blessings did God provide for His people in the wilderness – 68:7-10? (Think: When might this have happened?)
4. What happened when the enemies fled – 68:11,12? (Think: Verse 13 is especially difficult. What are your thoughts?)
5. 68:14-17 describes some great mountains that envy (symbolically) another mountain. What mountain do they envy and what reason is given for the envy? Explain.
6. Special Assignment: Where is 68:18 quoted in the New Testament? How is it used there? How is it used in the context of Psalm 68:18,19? (Think: What is the connection?)
7. What is graphically described in 68:20-23? Explain the meaning.
8. By way of contrast, what is described in 60:24-27? Explain the description.
9. As a result of God’s victory, what will the vanquished enemies do in 68:28-31?
10. What should the power of God lead all kingdoms of the earth do – 68:32-35?
Video should be available Thursday at https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudy



Learn Jesus' Teaching: Study Bible Truth

Free Bible study lessons, courses, workbooks, class books, commentaries, e-books, guides, aids, sermons, helps, and other Christian materials written by David E. Pratte. See our site at https://biblestudylessons.com We also have printed publications for sale at https://gospelway.com/sales

No teaching presented here is ever intended or should ever be construed to in any way incite or encourage personal vengeance or physical violence against any person.

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