And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief (Matthew 13:58).
There was No hero’s welcome awaiting for Jesus when He returned to Nazareth.
Though His wisdom astonished His countrymen when He taught in their synagogue, they questioned His authority.
Isaiah had written: “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief…” (Isaiah 53:3). Our Saviour’s home neighborhood was the first to have a part in fulfilling that prophecy.
Familiarity sometimes brings contempt.
We are often slow to recognize the gifts and abilities of those nearest to us. Even familiarity with the Bible can cause one to overlook its treasures.
I would suggest to you, begin reading the Gospel of John just as if he were a new convert. Its quite possible you will find rich blessing in doing so.
The people of Nazareth missed the opportunity of the ages.
Here in their midst was the Promised Messiah... and they rejected Him.
Millions, through coming millennia, would find life in Jesus, but Nazareth would not believe. Because of their unbelief they saw few miracles and missed many blessings.
Eternity will haunt them.
Many limit God by lack of faith.
Talk is cheap and it is easy to extol the truths of the power of God, but it is another matter to trust God for His working in daily life. As long as unbelief determines our decisions, we will remain strangers to His bounty.
Do not let familiarity rob you of faith and Rewards.
Believe God with the expectancy of a little child and experience His mighty power in your life!