I got nothing but a feeling of emptiness over these people. They have betrayed Israel so hard, so openly, that what does it matter what they say and do now? I think our words still matter, as do our actions, but when Israels leaders expose themselves as such traitors, what does it mean to try to organize outrage against their further betrayal?

We should continue to try to educate Jews that we meet and know. But as far as the government, the Israeli media and schools, we should only criticize them, and undermine their credibility. Like the light of the world is reduced, and in its place, nothing but theater of governance, and competing power.

Perhaps in other times it has been worse, but I don't think in the history of Israel's democracy, have we had so many Jews aware that we needed to occupy Gaza, in order to remove and keep out hamas, and for the PM of Israel to lie so outrageously, and betray the nation.

Just say its an abdication of democratic duties, to violate the trust between Israels people and their government. Dancing around the criminality of the actions of the last few days, will not work. If the Israeli government arrests its critics, then many of us will be arrested. But at least most of Israel will not be surprised, or oblivious. Netanyahu can remember the days of speaking about high tech Israel with enthusiasm and forget about inspiring Israels. A massive fall. Keep working, wait for things to fall. In G-d I trust.

Vote Ben Gavir, even though he will betray us.