Give credit where credit is due. hamas did expose how worthless the Israeli government was, and the true nature of Trump.
I believe that old American Jews tend to be democrats, while most young American Jews tend to be republicans.
Thinking of all the ways it is reasonable for a people of a nation to be justified in punishing people who are unwilling to get a job and carry their fair share. Turning off the internet, slowing down the internet speeds, varying the volume on your cell phone, shameful sounds announcing to everyone in public that you are a looser, etc. Assuming we still have a model of an economy that fits such a claim, or ever did for that matter. Anyway, imagine how much support there would be to punish racists. It would certainly be used against white people and Jews at first, but eventually it could be used against Jew haters and white haters. Imagine the amount of conversation that could be had as a result of it. I also think that many people simply submit to power, which means that big gains in society could be attained as a result of such policies. The bad side is when society goes to heck, it will be unbearable. But it will help Aliya.. What a massive pressure cooker release.
We should escalate our open discussion about nations that attack us, like for instance if Lebanon attacks Israel, or if Iraq does, or Yemen does, we should make it so they have no electricity for 6 months. Or destroy every car in the nation. Time to start walking. Then we can see if AI can be useful and identify every donkey in the nation.
If Israel really was fighting for civilization, they would be fighting against the west.
Wearing a yamika reminds you that you are a perpetual outcast, an other to society. It is not just a part of who you are, it is your whole identity. Having a sex life is impossible for women, if you are wearing a yamika, it is a reminder of G-d, and they associate sex with evil.
The muslims are not only at war with the west, but they are at war with all non muslims.
The muslims have an ideology of conquest, because the pain of living with inequality is greater than the discomfort of saying its all the fault of the Jews. America and europes political parties, believe that lying and covering up violence and murder, are less painful than confronting the muslim lies about Jews. Different people, at different levels of intelligence and morality, come up with different excuses as to their immoral policies and words. But the net result is the same, they have free will, they have the ability to make choices, and nobody can take that away from them.
Do you know when white people stopped committing crime and murder? When black people did it, and then all the white people agreed crime and murder were bad.
If Jews or white gentiles don’t believe in democracy, determining what the right course of action to take becomes complicated. Less so if you believe in G-d.
Is there any sweeter or more wholesum gift in the world than a mothers love?
Jews don’t understand, that even if they agree not to talk about biological inequality, even if they agree to police racism in their own community, that it will not make it possible to negotiate peace with most muslims, or leftists. They want to conquer and replace the liberal equality order. They will make it impossible not to talk about it.
Why hire an American engineering grad who will work 40-50 hours a week for $100,000 a year, when you can hire an Indian engineer for $40k a year, who will work 80 hours a week for 10 years? You never would. Never ever. Not if you had a choice in the matter. Considering the billionaires have access to the regulators, and own the media, the discussion becomes even more ridiculous. We have never been permitted to debate the H1B1 visa issue in the past, we should assume that past abuse, corruption, and undercutting of American professionals has been occurring on a mass scale, and it is probably a putrid festering issue, that no one has dealt with yet.
Video games would be more fun if we could gamble on them.
Dogs and cats used to be predators. We should try domesticating bears, to see what comes out over the generations. Its probably been done. Can people be domesticated, and selectively bred? In G-d I trust.
The entire world recognizes Taiwan as belonging to China, but nobody gets angry at the Taiwanese liberation movement against China.
You want to go against the Jews, and lower the amount of inventions america has by 20% a year, and increase the amount of inventions the Chinese will have per year by 20%? You think the russians wont cut the Jews a deal for 20% of the inventions of the world? Or India, or Brazil? What happens if Jews are responsible for 70% of the inventions. There are books and news organizations that have claimed that 50-70% of all billionaires are Jews, what if that percent of inventors are as well?
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