The Fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942 was more than just a military catastrophe - it was the shattering of an empire’s illusion of invincibility. As British defenses crumbled and Japanese forces swept through the city, a different kind of courage emerged from the chaos.
Amid the bombs, fires, and screams of the wounded, Australian army nurses upheld a duty that was more than just was an act of old-fashioned patriotism, a selfless devotion to country and comrades. Refusing to abandon their patients, they worked tirelessly in makeshift hospitals, tending to the broken and dying, even as enemy forces closed in.
Some, like those aboard the doomed Vyner Brooke, met brutal deaths at the hands of their captors, while others, like the six nurses on the Wah Sui, barely escaped with their lives.
Their actions embodied a time when duty to nation and fellow man was not just expected, but instinctive - when the call to serve was answered not with hesitation, but with unwavering resolve. Every man and woman, soldier and nurse, deserves to be remembered. And honoured.
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