What is freedom of speech? It is a tool for creation! Why? Without freedom of speech, no problem can be solved! Why? Before solving a problem, it must be described adequately, completely freely, without any censorship. And problems can be unpleasant in content, and **** must be called **** in order to properly organize its cleaning! This applies to any social phenomenon.
It is necessary to say something special about science! All the development of science over the course of millennia has been built on doubt, which allows us to move to the next level of scientific development, when high theory became applied. Without freedom of thought and speech, such development in science would be impossible. An example is non-Euclidean geometry. Doubt in the axiom of Euclidean parallel lines led to the emergence of non-Euclidean geometry, which essentially became applied at the beginning of the 20th century.
In the social aspect, censorship entails catastrophic consequences for the average person. Concealment, ideologization and deliberate distortion of the formulation of problems affects the life of the average person. Now I invite you to express your points of view. And do not choose words. And topics! Here you are free!