There is no doctrine I would more willingly remove from Christianity than hell, if it lay in my power. But it has the support of scripture and, especially, of our Lord’s own words…
C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain 94
Even though I wouldn't truth be told remove hell from Christianity I am glad Lewis spoke the truth in the last words that go after the first words. But it has the support of scripture and, especially of our Lord's own words. And those last words after the first one are definitely very true since Christ preached about hell in the Bible as well as Heaven since God created both places and the light and the darkness as well to manifest and prove why He came to call sinners to repentance and set them free from the evils that make sinners what we the people are before we become born again believers by the new birth the only thing that can save us from these things that lead to the law bringing its curse upon the devil and his angels and which if those lost false teachers continue down the wide path of transgressing and abiding not in the doctrine of Jesus Christ will be in danger of since their damnation slumbereth not and manifests why all of us need the gospel.