Did you know that not only did humans die when Fauci lied, but animals were also tortured and killed?

Some of the studies specifically state that the reason beagles are often chosen for these cruel experiments is that the “Beagle dog is docile, cute, and easy to domesticate, so it has been the best choice” for this horrific torture.

Here are just a few recent examples of this torture:
• Dr. Anthony Fauci spent about 2.3 million dollars between 2020 and 2021 on an experiment that involved putting 6-month-old beagle puppies in a vest that would inject cocaine directly into their bloodstream to study the drug’s impact on their hearts before euthanizing them.
• Dr. Fauci gave 375,000 dollars to a beagle dog lab in North Africa (Tunisia), which drugged and locked their heads immobile inside mesh cages while they were eaten alive and killed by sand flies.
• Dr. Fauci gave 1.8 million dollars to a study in Menlo Park, CA, that cut the vocal cords out of beagle puppies so they couldn’t bark, and then injected and force-fed experimental drugs. The lab finally ended their suffering by killing all the puppies.
• Less than six months ago, a study concluded using dogs to create genetically caused muscle twitching. This was paid for by more than 124,000 dollars in Louisville, KY, in partnership with Duke University.
• Right now, 26 animal labs in China are eligible for funding brutal experiments for 300 beagle puppies every single week.

In the wake of these brutal animal experiments, which include funding Communist China, our government was still not spending enough. They had plans to pay 168,000 dollars for an exhibit at the NIH museum honoring Dr. Fauci in spite of his history of abject cruelty to animals and the responsibility he bears for the deaths of millions of people during COVID.