“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” Psalm 33:12. “The only way to be blessed as a country is the follow Jesus Christ. This is what the Holy Bible teaches,” said Steven Andrew. Something historic is happening. More blessings are seen each day people stand up with Andrew that the Lord is the God of the USA and the USA Rejects false gods. “Jesus Christ is the God of the USA.” The news shows Congress has a 12 point approval rating improvement. Congress has grown from a 17% approval to a 29% approval in less than a month, according to a Gallop poll. The encouraging news is this number should increase as people keep standing up for the Lord with Andrew. Since September Andrew is faithfully leading “Prayer and Fasting for God to Raise Up Christian Leaders Immediately” and everyday things improve. There is more needed and Andrew is extending the revival, because people see God is moving. To participate join USA.Life social network. USA.Life is the most powerful social network in history, because it is on the Lord’s side like the Christian founding fathers. Make a difference. For God to heal our land watch "Save America Revival!" daily with Andrew.