Its a hard thing to accept, that there are a vast amount of human beings, many Jews, but far more gentiles, who cannot think. The human mind is not a calculator, it is more like a calculator under the influence of powerful feelings and acid. Even less than that. We imagine the world to be many things, that it is not. We really need to be taught these things, in school. It is no good for the only people who can think clearly, in large numbers, are older men. They make up the majority who can resist the manipulations of hostile interests who buy time in our media, in our schools, and in our politicians speeches, like we buy vegetables.
If we do not strengthen Israelis democracy, the Arab Muslims will continue to kill, rob, and rape Jews like we were chickens. The gentiles will beat us like Piñatas, every time their masses want to express their frustration against Jewish billionaires, they will arrange for Jews to scream in horror and outrage for a while. We are weak, if we do not know who we are. We are weak, if we are not willing to say we are more important, that we are special, that we matter more to the American economy, and the world economy, and morality matters tremendously to the world, thanks to the creator of the world, the G-d of Israel.
If a Jew marries a gentile, the vast majority who do so, are no longer willing to consider that the gentiles as a community, are not able to rise to the occasion of confronting islam, and confronting bias and hatred against Jews. That does not describe every white and non white gentile, but as nations, they will cater to the feelings of those who are hysterically angry at us for fighting against black and brown people. They believe in helping black and brown people, that is the level of sophistication most people bring to the table.
Many Jews cannot imagine going against america and Europe. It would be like going against the entire world. They view the white gentiles as the civilized parts of the world. These types of humans are very common in america and Europe. They do not know that 90% of the world does not share white peoples view on gender equality, they do not share white peoples view on homosexuality, they do not believe in open borders, or multiculturalism, or toleration. Blaming the police and forgiving the criminals. The majority of the world has a much more xenophobic view, that shamelessly promotes themselves, that takes every advantage of others that they are able.
The leftist mind, that is dominated by globalist slogans, about accepting one another is ignorant about the world. They believe that we should all accept one another, that we should all share with one another, love one another, that we are all the same. It is the belief system for someone who is going to get scammed and used. They cant imagine that the people in charge don’t like them, and view them as a threat, because they are certain they would not approve of their level of influence on society, and they would certainly not accept the ruling classes demographics.
Vast amounts of gentiles are going to schools in the muslim world, in Europe, and america, the clear majority really, without ever hearing a real representation of the Jewish defense, not pertaining to Israel, and not pertaining to defending the all powerful Jewish billionaires that so many gentiles are at war with. This literally means that free speech for Jews is forbidden, and debates on the matter are currently rigged to accommodate the gentile emotional journey over Jewish inequality.
People do not understand that the morality of a nation, massively dictates its level of freedom, liberties, and wealth. You cannot separate morality from anyone. If the people in your nation are all corrupt, you will not be able to create a giant economy.
It will be necessary to bribe everyone everywhere, they will steal your property deeds, they will rob you, they will tax you, and they will impoverish the nation, for a hand full of dollars, when if they allowed your company to succeed, perhaps you could have produced tens of thousands of dollars for the nation. They eat the seeds and the stalks, before the fruit has a chance to be born. Because if they don’t do it, someone else will. The solution is for the good to form a gang, and punish the thieves.
We are not going to reach many people. To many of them are far to small. We need to switch to a model where we condemn people, we judge them, we declare them incompetent, and mock them, till our people are comfortable with ignoring them. They will scream, they will accuse us of racism, even though they are the racists. They don’t know that, because they are ignorant. We cant make the American government tell the truth. That’s not going to change, so get used to it. The overwhelming majority of American schools teach it is the Jewish people of Israels fault, that muslims are attacking them. In G-d I trust.