Our women are literally going to get us killed in mass I think. They are such wild leftists.
Israel added three battalions to Judea and Samaria, due to bus bombing, in Bat Yam. It doesn’t seem to matter, if the Israeli government has such meager power to stand up to our enemies, the green red alliance. Also known as the muslim multicultural alliance.
Meanwhile, massive Muslim and leftist racism, discrimination, and violence is directed against Jews, white men, Hindus, Christians, atheists, and homosexuals. Islam and the left are worse than the nazis. If we try to defend ourselves from openly discriminatory belief systems like islam and leftism, they censor us. In G-d I trust.
When you hear statistics that say 88% of the people believe something, it means that you are not getting real statistics, and they are taunting their nazi 88 inclinations.
I bet women are weakened and confused, by their lack of knowledge of their deficiencies and their value.
All mens lives are blessed by a good wife and family, but children with a future divorce has no value to men.
As far as nations like america taking what they want from the Jews and Chinese I would speculate that nations should act more evil than good and a scale should be implemented. Why pretend to not know where we are going? Why go extra hard to keep the Jews down when its going to happen eventually, and it may be inevitable regardless. I also don’t get why america wouldn’t want it to happen.
Can you kill a feeling? Can you transcend the arab muslims to a level where they are ashamed? Where they become democracy lovers, like so many of the former destitute nations of the world who have adopted representation, democracy, and made a good go at protecting social cohesion and the social contract? Can deception withstand the influence of hatred and fear of racial inequality?
I get the feeling if the American media exposes islam, then maybe their societies will be transformed by it. Explaining the difference between Mediterranean Christians and muslims is another major blow to islam. So is arguing that war and deception cannot win the day. I don’t see an internal force that can transform the middle east, and as long as america and Europe, with their white women, are goading muslims, nothing will happen.
I think that the step that women are not thinking through, is that the men they want to have sex with, are not men who want to marry them, and the way that marriages happen in our current society, is men go out with women, they sleep with them, and then eventually they get married to the women they are going out with. If the relationship isnt initiated when men are young, then they are far less likely to happen when your older. 80% of Jewish and white 20 and 30 year olds dont get laid much, and dont have money. Dont get used.
Jew haters are extending the suffering of their own people.
According to the Israeli media, Jews have zero rights, the only right we have, is to beg the west to stop being evil and irrational.
America cant hold south korea. The Chinese could send in millions of troops and tanks. How can the americans fight and hold south korea with a 5,000 mile long supply line? No matter what, South Korea would be destroyed. The americans might like an opportunity to bomb China, but why would the Koreans want to destroy their nation, lose the war to China, and enrage them? It makes no sense from a military perspective. I am open to a shadow government secret way of looking at the world, and maybe South Korea is occupied territory for all I know, but in the normal perspective of men, I don’t see why Korea would agree to fight for American interests.
So if Indo China wont stand up to China, only India will. Which means the west will have an incentive to shift factories to India, to strengthen it, and to tie it to the west. Then perhaps, the Chinese will want to compete for Indian influence, and move some of there low cost labor to India.
White men and Jewish men are perishing in mass, because their women are angry at how the Creator created the world. I don’t think we will convince enough women of the right way to act, till we gain enough power to release the truth. We really may be better off supporting an authoritarian government, and hoping that after they don’t have to care about the left as much as they used to, they turn on the left. I think that’s been the plan all along.
Imagine, we right wing religious men who say there is a big problem with arab muslims get demonized, while western leftists virtue signal. Ignorance is bliss. In G-d I trust.
People who ridicule ideas like gender inequality, are making very foolish arguments. You can’t disprove gender inequality by calling it old. Your refusal to argue the merits of an ide, discredits your claims of gender equality.
Thanks for the book tip.