From December 21st.
If a man cheats its ok, but if a woman cheats, then it’s the end of the relationship, how is that fair? Because men are happier if they are allowed to cheat, and they are often not willing to stay in relationships, if they are not allowed to cheat. Some, not most, who agree not to cheat. As of right now, women are very sensitive to unfair treatment by men, so if you want your family to survive, you should not cheat till the world to come, when you will know if it is acceptable for your wife for you to cheat.
Since the start of Israel, and before in the segregated middle east that Jews used to live in, if a Jew made a wrong turn, and ended up in a muslim neighborhood, they faced the possibility of being lynched.
And thats how you know the Israeli education system has been weaponize against the Jewish people. In G-d I trust.
Think about it, the British, wiped out the entire Irish civilization. They conquered Australia, and wiped out the Aboriginals, and then they didn’t have enough population to transfer to Australia to make a single city of a million people, in the entire 3,000 mile northern coastline, and the whole 2,000 mile western coastline, only has a single city with over a million people. To be fair, the ‘British’, or English, were actually German migrants, who conquered the Welsh and the Scottish. So wiping out other people has been going on for a long time.
Ask your kids what they are learning in school. Champions of authoritarianism, think that young men and women are dumb, and easy to manipulate, and can be tricked into accusing their parents of thought crimes. In G-d I trust.