A daycare worker was sharing with me recently that they take in babies from six weeks old. And yet most dog breeders do not sell their puppies until they are eight weeks of age and up to 12 weeks for toy breeds. How is that human mothers can give up their babies so soon? What has happened to the value of mothering? This worker also mentioned that many mothers never even check to find out when their baby or toddler slept or what food they were given for the day or when. Where is their concern and yearning over their child? What has happened to mothering in this generation?

Oh yes, I know they love their babies and little ones. But we can also love chocolate, love our house, and love a new car. Mothering is much bigger than love. It’s commitment. It’s like marriage. Marriage is more than loving. It takes commitment and daily building and pouring into our marriages.

But mothering is even more than commitment. It’s not only something we do. IT’S WHO WE ARE! We were created physically and innately for this divine career. We were born for it. It’s not enough to love our babies and children. We must also love motherhood. Yes, the career of motherhood. When we embrace and love motherhood, we enter into the joy, the fullness, and the glory of motherhood.

Motherhood is not just having a baby. It is nursing from the breast, nurturing, cherishing, and pouring out your life. And as you do the blessing is poured back to you. Mothers and babies are not meant to be separated. They are part of one another. Where the mother goes, the baby goes.

Live in the glory of motherhood today.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell
