Did you know that your faith in Christ is not only a personal faith, but a TOGETHER faith? Many people like to keep it personal, but that is NOT biblical.

When Paul wrote to the new believers in Rome he said: “That I may be comforted TOGETHER with you by the MUTUAL FAITH both of YOU AND ME” (Romans 1:12). Paul revealed three things in this Scripture:

1. Our Christianity is a “together” lifestyle.
2. Our faith is not only a personal faith, but a “mutual faith.”
3. Our faith is a “you and me” faith.

This is why God designed for us to live together as families. God doesn’t want people to live on their own. He sets the solitary in families (Psalm 68:6). He wants our faith to be a family faith. This is why God commands that we meet together as believers and “do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together” (Hebrews 10:25).

I love the TPT of Romans 1:11, 12: “I yearn to come and be FACE-TO FACE with you and get to know you. For I long to impart to you some spiritual gift that will empower you to stand strong in your faith. Now, this means that when we come together and are SIDE BY SIDE, something wonderful will be released. We can expect to be co-encouraged and co-comforted by each other’s faith!”

Our Christianity is a “face to face and side by side” experience, in our family life and our life with fellow believers. We cannot grow into full maturity in our walk with God without one another (Ephesians 2:19-22 and 4:15, 16).

The Bible also speaks of our “common faith” (Titus 1:4) and our “common salvation” (Jude 1:3). The word “common” is “koinos” and means “sharing by all.”

Share your faith together as a family. Never neglect meeting with other believers to encourage one another, inspire one another, teach one another, pray for one another, bless one another, bear one another’s burdens, fellowship with one another, help one another, serve one another, and show hospitality to one another. These are just a few of the 38 “one anothers” God give us to do to one another and they are all the same Greek word as “mutual faith.” And you can’t do these things hiding away on your own. It is togethering.

I think of a coal fire burning brightly. Take one of the coals from off the fire and put it on its own. It is not long before it becomes black and cold with no life in it. Put the coal back in the fire with the other coals and it soon burns brightly again.

Many blessings, Nancy Campbell
