I did it again. Got tossed into Facebook Prison for SEVEN days this time (3 days TWICE previously), and I only became a member a month ago! I wanted to appeal but they do not make it easy, managed to stumble onto a “press” email for FB. I wrote that I am not allowed to see what I posted that offends them. Once I clicked “appeal,” there is no way to defend myself, so I have no say in what they decide. FB does nothing to mitigate people using words they do not approve of; they should provide a list of words that are not permitted (or why doesn’t their program highlight forbidden words so we can change them??). They have an algorithm with specific words they deem offensive, yet there are plenty of words many of us consider offensive that they ignore. Finally, I pointed out that Facebook is a publicly traded company. Facebook is not entitled to the rule-making enjoyed by a private corporation. Facebook answers to the SEC and FINRA.