I saw Hillary at the funeral of one of the most corrupt and lazy members of Congress, Cummings. Clinton actually used a Bible figure to make cummings seem Holy and honorable. IN the next breath she accuses Trump ( in a veiled way of course) and his lovely wife of being sinners and no good. Paul Wellstone, a democrat from Wisconsin died in a plane crash in 2002. In low rent fashion that only the democrats can operate in they made it a pep rally. The same party that embraces killing babies, making Pedophilia nothing more than Man Love, illegals and the crimes they committ. Let's face it, the Left owns the culture and has for decades, the sad thing is the one goal they wanted and achieved, breaking up the Family has allowed them to push all the other things I mentioned. In 2012 at the Democratic Convention they wanted God out of their platform as well as Israel, sort of tells you their plan. obama made it clear his job was to fundamentally change this great country, and he did. Of course he had help from Republicans who value power over their souls. So sick of all of this B.S.