Chemtrails? I call BS on that. You have no idea what I have gone through yet you laugh @ my comment when I said “I wouldn’t know” about kids.
1. My ex miscarried in 2010.
2. My recent relationship for the almost 3 years, has really been hard, the woman ive been with stole the child we have together.
3. Now we’re having our 2nd child together and she wants nothing to do with me. She loves her drugs more than anything.
4. Usually it’s the guy leaving all the time, but what ppl DONT realize is that women are just as cruel and vindictive as some men. Every woman lies, leaves and cheats then blames me for it, when I’ve treated them like queens.
So don’t come to me saying some bullsh*t saying chemtrails are causing everything?? Makes no sense @ all.
I’ve worked FD for 24 years, I’ve dealt with PTSD and no one cares. Shrinks don’t help just cuz the they have a diploma doesn’t mean they understand what I’ve gone through.
Meds don’t help cuz one med to help with one thing doesn’t work with other meds oh and the side effects of both will still kill u, but let’s blame chemtrails huh??? Really???