Maybe it's just the idea of being able to sport that "Man Glitter" as the end of days comes upon each of us, and all of us, Mark. Especially knowing the "Master Carpenter" has been creating a specific mansion for each of us, and HE has been accomplishing it for 2000 years, when it only took 7 days, for HIM, to accomplish all of creation. And yet, HE knows I'd settle for a "Pup Tent" just inside the "Eastern Gate" for all eternities, and then some, just to be near.
Hoping this weather gives you rest, and little else, Brother. We got some rain, but it's starting to look like a hand full as it heads your way. B Being BIG Time Blessed, Brother, 2 Day & 4 ever, in YAH'SHUA's Mighty Name. . .