John 14:12
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
God gave Moses his Commandments. These are the choices we make which will continue to seperate us from God or draw us closer into relationship with him.
God gave us Jesus so that we might have greater knowledge available to not just keep the laws God gave us, but to celebrate God's mercy in Christ.
So what was Jesus saying in John 14:12?
Is our church to be expert on what not to do rather than to seek out what we can do with the heart and mind of Christ dwelling in us?
The Apostles walked in ministry of Christ assisted by Holy Spirit gifts. Were they meant for just that time? Why would God use such gifts for such a limited time?
Might it be that man's version of religion in Christendom prevents the accepting of Holy Spirit gifts?
Might it be that the expert explanations of God through man's authority within denominational pretense lacks the power given to truthful preaching of God's glorious gospel taught by Jesus?
Does God know our needs even before we do?
Among God's people where are the greater works that Jesus said would happen?
The truth of Jesus' prophesy in Matthew 24 must happen and it is happening.
The churches of men have dismissed the 1st love of Christ for the sake of their collective pride and influence, and a great many have failed to hear the first warning Christ gave.
Let no man deceive you.
Peace and blessings.