Looking for like-minded people, interested in starting a discussion group, focusing on current developments that affect our lives.
Whether we admit to it or not.
Initial work group would meet in SW Minneapolis.
Eventually, the idea is expected to spread throughout the country.
Ultimate outcome is to build a mutual-reliance group in anticipation of the "road ahead" and (likely) collapse of society.
And, in case you did not "quite" pay attention, just read inscription on GEORGIA GUIDE STONES.

Believe it or not, but some, even after being confronted by this DOCUMENT, insist this is just a conspiracy THEORY.
In case you were unclear about accomplishments of US education system.

Much to discuss...

Contact me at:

I understand and respect those with opposing views.
That's my interpretation of free, UNCENSORED speech.
But this is exactly why I'm using this website.
You guys have fun at Facebook.