Royal family snub President Trump during UK visit: Prince Charles and Prince William were unwilling to meet Donald Trump on his visit to Britain, leaving the Queen to greet the US president alone.” (London Times, July 18, 2018.)

Well, what could be more fitting than British royals snubbing the upstart leader of an upstart former British colony—and one who was elected by “deplorables” to boot?

On the other hand, Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla, not only rank as the first British Royals to grace Bolshevik Cuba with a visit—but this week (aping President Obama three years ago) posed for a photo in front of the image of mass-murderer and faithful Bolshevik protégé Che Guevara.

The phrase “faithful Bolshevik protégé” is not flippant. The Bolsheviks, lest we forget, sadistically murdered an entire family of Prince Charles’ royal relatives (the Romanovs) in cold-blood, including the women and children, as they screamed in terror and pleaded for mercy.

In case Prince Charles somehow “forgot” that terrifying historical datum, perhaps a famous song by a famous subject of Prince Charles (Mick Jagger) can remind him of the famous atrocity:

Prince Charles Snubs President Trump—But Visits Cuba and Proudly Poses with Che Guevara Backdrop

Prince Charles Snubs President Trump—But Visits Cuba and Proudly Poses with Che Guevara Backdrop

Can someone out there puh-leeze inform all those tourists to Cuba and all those visiting dignitaries that the building with Che the mass-murderers mural they love to pose with as a backdrop is the headquarters for Cubas KGB-founded and mentored minis